Griffins Hill Retreat yoga and food blog

A blog about Iyengar yoga, organic food, and cooking.

Two little-known veggies I love, and why I buy Quinoa from Tasmania

Two little-known veggies I love, and why I buy Quinoa from Tasmania

One of my favourite herbs is the celery plant (Apium Graveolens).

Celery plant is a flowering biennial plant that pre-dates the commonly available cultivated stringless celery varieties.

It makes my life happier in two ways: firstly, I avoid buying commercially produced vegetable stock, which I hate; and secondly I do not have to buy plastic-wrapped celery from the supermarket! In Griffins Hill garden, our celery is a striking plant growing about one metre high with large incised leaves similar to Italian parsley and thick green stems that are somewhat thinner that those of the supermarket varieties

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